
by Marcie
(South West, TX)

Hello, I am Marcie, I am 35 years old and I have been w/ my OTR husband for 14 years. I am so excited to find this site!!! My husband has always been a trucker. I moved 1200 miles from my family to live with him. Ha ya right!!

This is now our sons (10&6) and my house, he just stops by and visits. :) so I have lived here all alone. So I really do have some lonely and unhappy days. But I have close friends and stay busy with the kids.

My husband is great at what he does. He is a good husband and father when he can. He provides well for us. He is an owner operator so my biggest complaint is Breakdowns and being alone on holidays. But for the most part we are a happy family.

I am very excited at the chance to get to know some other "trucker wives"!

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Sep 30, 2011
What you are feeling is normal
by: Marcie

Hi Kaitlyn,
I actually do know what you are going through. I really wish I had an easy answer for you. Communication is very important, but I know men do not always see it that way.

First of all if you can ride with husband for a trip you would understand a little bit of what it is like for him. I have went on trips with my husband and I don't like it. From brushing teeth and taking shower in truck stops to traffic jams. My husband and I fight alot when I am with him. He is in "survival mode"he says. He says that's the only way he has stayed alive being a driver for over 20 years. This way you can see what he has to go through.

Now for him to understand your side of your just going to have to explain it, probably again and again. LOL That's what I have to do and usually it comes back up around the time I am PMSing. Eventually he will understand. But I am going to be honest my husband and I don't have real long conversations like we used it when we first were together. If we are on the phone too long it can lead to an argument.

I still get excited though when I know he is coming home. I clean the house like crazy and have a nice home cooked meal ready. But when he is here it is hard he isn't used to being home and we are not used to him in our schedule. It is sad to see him leave, because you won't see him later like normal couples, it will be a couple weeks. So it can be sad. So I know how you can feel like your on an emotional roller coaster.
Stay busy and close to your family and friends that will help when you are not communicating. And this web site, I am so excited to have it.

Sep 30, 2011
What you are feeling is normal
by: Marcie

Hi Kaitlyn,
I actually do know what you are going through. I really wish I had an easy answer for you. Communication is very important, but I know men do not always see it that way.

First of all if you can ride with husband for a trip you would understand a little bit of what it is like for him. I have went on trips with my husband and I don't like it. From brushing teeth and taking shower in truck stops to traffic jams. My husband and I fight alot when I am with him. He is in "survival mode"he says. He says that's the only way he has stayed alive being a driver for over 20 years. This way you can see what he has to go through.

Now for him to understand your side of your just going to have to explain it, probably again and again. LOL That's what I have to do and usually it comes back up around the time I am PMSing. Eventually he will understand. But I am going to be honest my husband and I don't have real long conversations like we used it when we first were together. If we are on the phone too long it can lead to an argument.

I still get excited though when I know he is coming home. I clean the house like crazy and have a nice home cooked meal ready. But when he is here it is hard he isn't used to being home and we are not used to him in our schedule. It is sad to see him leave, because you won't see him later like normal couples, it will be a couple weeks. So it can be sad. So I know how you can feel like your on an emotional roller coaster.
Stay busy and close to your family and friends that will help when you are not communicating. And this web site, I am so excited to have it.

Sep 29, 2011
How Do You Do It?
by: Kaitlyn

My boyfriend have been in a steady relationship for 2yrs and 8mo+ now, had our ups and downs (arguments, etc that are long resolved.)
Since he started driving 3 months ago I've been a wreck.
He's the first guy I ever dated, so it's hard enough learning the ropes my first time around, but my big problem is that we don't quite understand yet what eachother is going through.

I've not spent any time on the road with him, so I have no idea what his day-to-day is like- I only know that he's tired because that's all he tells me when he calls me on the cell.

Which leads to the other side of the issue- he doesn't talk about ANYTHING.
Communication is important to me because it's all I have of him on the road, and he has a cell phone with unlimited mobile-to-mobile and text to reach me on.
He doesn't understand what I deal with here at home. I work a full time job and spend lots of time with family and friends so I'm certainly busy, but he doesn't get the fact that he NEEDS to do His part in this relationship (AKA talking to me!) to keep it going strong.

How do you and your husband manage the communication side of things?
Do you have any suggestions about how I can help him understand what it's like for me?

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