
I am a high school teacher, our daughter is 15 years old, I love sports; especially watching NFL on Sundays.

Most of my time was spent with my husband, and doing things around the house. I enjoy messing around with our Rottweiler, and my daughter just started high school, so that's going to be exciting.

Thank goodness she does not attend the school I work at... I want her to enjoy high school without someone saying, I'm going to call your Mom's room.

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Oct 21, 2013
Support and Knowledge NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the knowledge and the support....

Oct 21, 2013
okay Maria NEW
by: Anonymous

I did say something nice?? I thought that was what you might have been doing was just summing it up for others to respond. Try and remember not all people are sane and you can just blow off the dingbats that come on here to seem to know this however, you did bite and that is what they are looking for, just dont give seem stronger than to lower yourself to there standards. Keep on with what you are doing and forget about rude comments and when you see a comment starting out bad "just dont read it all the way through, delete it! :)

Oct 21, 2013
New Trucker Wife NEW
by: Anonymous

I wanted to tell a little about myself before I started blogging about being the wife of a truck driver...Thank you.... My husband left yesterday going to California, he won't be back until next Monday, this is new for us, as this is his 2nd week. It is difficult trying to find something to do with my free time, especially when my time consisted of him and the family. I thought this was a place to support one another, as I am reading the other blogs, most of them do not support, but criticize. For the people that do, maybe you should find something positive in your life, and stop trying to put down others. Evidently, you are not happy!!! Find some happiness somewhere and stop hating on others who are trying to do and say positive things to support and motivate others.... Thanks

Oct 04, 2013
You deserve a great life.. NEW
by: Anonymous

you have done a fantastic job and your family deserves the best and I can tell you are getting the best out of life! Congratulations!

Oct 03, 2013
huh? NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm this supposed to be a personal ad? are you trying to sell yourself for a date?

Oct 03, 2013
huh? NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm this supposed to be a personal ad? are you trying to sell yourself for a date?

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