Marrying my trucker January 12th......

by Neenah
(Ocala Florida)

the pay off of all the stress, trying times, and true tests of the heart. Kevin and I have been together 21 months now and it has been the roller coaster ride from hell. I have had to deal with the distance, the trust dilemma, and dealing with getting to know the man while I never see him.

I read through your posts and honestly WOW they all hit home in a certain way. I know the frustration, the loneliness, the sadness, the sheer misery it can be at times.

Hang in there, find a way to make it work, love him, cherish him, support him, and make him feel like he is truly an important part of your life and mind over matter you will get through.

I found after spending time on the road with him I started my own business as a freight broker. I wanted to be a part of his industry, part of him, his soul mate.

If you feel alienated get involved with his industry take an interest and learn all you can. You all will get through.

God is keeping us together and (not that I am super religious) prayer is an excellent practice to do if you feel the darkness that a trucker's wife or whatever you happen to be to him brings.

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Jan 17, 2014
i can relate NEW
by: MiMi

I can totally relate though i and my husband had been dating for 6 years and married for 2 we just have our first child 8 months ago life as a truckers wife has been very hard i am still learning to adjust.

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