meaning of colored interior lights.

by Sassy

My husband changed his interior lights from white to red, now I was told different colors has different meanings when it comes to lot lizzards.

Does anyone know if this is true? I asked him about it and he just says he likes them, but I had done research online to see if anyone else talked about this.

Thank you for any input.

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Sep 16, 2014
by: Anonymous

I'm glad I seen this. My hubby just changed his interior lights to red supposedly because he liked the color. Wich is understandable.. but he was also the one who told me what they meant before he started driving. So that was the first thing I mentioned to him when I seen the light. Glad I got some other opinions tho.

Sep 16, 2014
by: Anonymous

I'm glad I seen this. My hubby just changed his interior lights to red supposedly because he liked the color. Wich is understandable.. but he was also the one who told me what they meant before he started driving. So that was the first thing I mentioned to him when I seen the light. Glad I got some other opinions tho.

Sep 16, 2014
by: Anonymous

I'm glad I seen this. My hubby just changed his interior lights to red supposedly because he liked the color. Wich is understandable.. but he was also the one who told me what they meant before he started driving. So that was the first thing I mentioned to him when I seen the light. Glad I got some other opinions tho.

Aug 11, 2013
colored interior lights NEW
by: Anonymous

The red or ambered interior lights are way less blinding at night inside the cab of a truck especially when your driving down the road, thats why I use mine, its also for someone to see in from the outside, most of the time. Just , like when the military or law enforcement would run around at night trying to be stealth, or real fog driving lights would be bright amber, easier to drive, with in thick heavy fog. But, they did have meaning back in the old school days 60's, 70's, 80's, red, blue, green, purple...

Jul 01, 2013
red cab lights NEW
by: old timer

hello,to answer your question red cab lights back in the old days did mean you were open for business with lot lizards{prostitutes},70s80s and up till 94-95 they had that meaning,anymore with all the diseases and bad things that cud happen when letting someone you don't know in your truck the lights don't mean anything except you like red lights,when it comes to law enforcement it will assure you a ticket.when driving any red lights facing forward means you are emergency vehicle,yellow lights forward red lights on rear only,virginia and California cited me for simple red l.e.d. glare lights,any way red=lot lizard sign not anymore,good luck,hope this helps.

Jun 28, 2013
meaning of colored interior lights NEW
by: trucker yitz

omg, did i miss something. was my light on the reason the lot lizzard knocked on my door? they knock even if you are trying to sleep. and the truck is off and the lights are out.

red interior lights wont blind a driver when turned on at nite by a ciodriver to see inside, as a white light will blind a driver at night.

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