Mechanical skills for trucking

by Joe
(Duluth, GA, USA)

What kind of mechanical skills are needed for driving a truck (I am thinking about going to school to get a CDL license)? What if the truck breaks down, am I required to attempt to make small repairs or change tires. My skills with a car are limited to changing a tire and a long time ago I used to change the oil.

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Mar 16, 2009
Joe says no way on repairing trucks
by: Jimmy

Hey Joe, Hervy's right on. I'll just add that you should carry minimal tools to repair easy fixs like a loose mirror bracket, or replace a burned out tailight. To get into a shop and/or wait for a mechanic to come to you can take a few hours, and you may not have time. So if you can fix it yourself, it's no big deal and you are rolling that much faster.Major repairs and servicing are handled by the company. However some O/O do their own repairs to save money. Jimmy

Mar 16, 2009
Trucking Jobs Don't Require Mechanical Skill
by: Hervy


If we had to work on these big trucks I would not be driving. lol

I owned two and never changed the oil myself. Just found my time more valuable doing something else and paying a mechanic.

When you break down you will either call road service or your company and they will call road service or repairs. It depends on how your company is set up.

The most you will have to do is inspections and maybe add fluids when low, and add air to the tires.

Come on out,


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