Men dont seem interested in lady truckers

I've been driving for about 25 years. Overall it's been a pretty good job for me. But one problem that I haven't heard talked about much is that most men seem to become disinterested in a woman once they know that she's a truck driver.

I'm a shy person anyway so this is a real issue for me. Don't have many close friends at work since they're mostly all married men. It's very isolating. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.

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Jan 24, 2022
let's grow together
by: Anonymous

I am looking for female age 25 - 40 to team up in life and business. I've been O/O for almost 20 years now , I do have good company that pays well and it's out of Chicago area. If you are interested you are more then welcome to contact me at

Jan 24, 2022
let's grow together NEW
by: Anonymous

I am looking for female age 25 - 40 to team up in life and business. I've been O/O for almost 20 years now , I do have good company that pays well and it's out of Chicago area. If you are interested you are more then welcome to contact me at

Jul 16, 2015
Lonely of being Lonely
by: Anonymous

For anyone that is in a relationship and can't seem to find a happy middle for a relationship maybe see if your spouse or significate other would want to drive with you. Good luck , I too am looking for a co driver and maybe a relationship depending on who they they will turn out to be.

Jul 10, 2015
if like to chat anytime
by: Anonymous

I'm the one who left the very first comment on here. If any like to chat, can email me at

Jul 04, 2015
Lady truckers and men...
by: Anonymous

I am a lady trucker, not driving trucks at this time, but when I was I did notice that some men were intimidated by the fact that I could drive a big rig. I am not a shy type so I would ask what the problem was? I never got the truth, which I knew what it was it was-their male ego. I also comments like: aren't you a lesbian, aren't you on the road too much to have a relationship, why would a woman want to drive a truck, do you want to be a man, etc., etc. There were a few men that were interested and thus formed a relationship but it wasn't I cheating when on the road, it was the guys left at home that were cheating. I am single and now I am very used to it and it's okay for me, but not for some. I did see relationship success with some couples that drove team together. But if just starting out it's tough to raise a family. Trucking is not for everyone and I wish it wasn't that way, I wish home time could be more often, or stretch of days off longer.

Jul 04, 2015
by: Anonymous

I got a lot of respect for female truckers. I'm a single 35 year old male trucker from NC and I do have same problem of not be able to find a female interested in truckers. And I'm also shy too. Some of the excuses I get of not interested in me is of all truckers are the same such as you will to lie to me, cheat on me, be gone away from home too long and won't be able to handle that, and what ever excuse they can think of. Also sometimes men feel intimidated when see a female trucker..but theyvwont admit to it that studies intimidate them since it has been shown that female drivers do out perform males a lot.

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