Michelle (bama girl)

by Michelle gore
(Mt. Pleasant, iowa)

I am 35, proud mom of 3 very smart and handsome boys! Married to my husband for 3 years. Been a truckers wife and rider for 1 year.

My issue is trying to find a diet that I can manage being in the truck. I have the will power to follow a strict diet I am just at a complete loss for finding one that is "tailored" to a truckers life style.


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Dec 20, 2012
How to eat healthy Over The Road NEW
by: Hervy

Michelle, glad to hear you have the will power to maintain a healthy diet. It's usually what we lack.

I lost a total of 50lbs while driving and kept my target weight of 200lb +- 5 afterward with exception of creeping to 215 for a spell just because I was experimenting, lol. (yeah, that's what we will call it...)

Anyway, here is how I lost and then maintained my weight. Or at least this is what I ate, I also did some exercises which is described on a page linking to this one.

healthy eating for Over the Road drivers and their wives

Dec 20, 2012
by: Anonymous

They are in every restaurant, and almost every fast food stop has plain salad. Carry a bottle of rice vinegar for dressing and it also breaks down the fat in your stomach before it reaches other places. Then stay away from all other salts....

When at a salad bar forget about the goodies as toppings are fating, stick to fresh vegi's and fruits especially apples are good for dieting. Buy all your fruits ahead and eat the ones that bruise the quickest first, then move onto the fruit that last long. Buy bananas green and they can last longer, and ripen while you are driving.

Take on a small ice chest for your vegi munchies, and ice is free at all your truck stops, drain the water add big cup of ice. Stick to chicken vs. beef and when you sit down to eat a dinner eat fish or tuna salad.

Keep it simple and dont stress out when you cheat a LITTLE! Good luck!

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