Michigan Driver seeking a trucking job!

by Kevin
(Dearborn,Michigan, USA)

I had to step away from Trucking, due to a Terminal Father! I am a Veteran, drove Fuel Trucks in the military! I started Trucking again in 2011, went to Driving School to have a Refresher Course (TDI/CDI)in Sanford, FL. Contracted with a Carrier as a Leased Owner Operator!

I don't have the money to buy a Truck today, to start Trucking again! (Or I would just do that!)I was actually trying for the last year and a half or so, to get Capital to purchase equipment! However, due to the US Economy and the 2016 Election, that was not happening! We had also been given many other "excuses", as to why we were not given the funding!

But Election Year and US Economy, seemed to be the "main" ones! So,since, they seemed to have started this (Recent 3 yr. "thing" w/experience vs. 5 or so!) in the interim, As some of the other people here, much of my two and 1/2 years or so, of experience in the last 6/7 years, has fallen "Off the Radar"! My Father is STILL Terminal! But, as of here forward, my "helping do his Comfort Care, is not needed"!

I actually had two short Trucking Jobs last year! However, the one company wanted me to run illegal (Or were not familiar with HOS! U decide!) The other company "broke my Trust" on the road. They "Claim", they would give me my Contract back! But Frankly, when I gave them an exact start date(per their request) with in about 5 minutes they start having all these "Problems" with my Pug,(That they knew already, petted, gave water too & "loved on", so to speak! and always loved him!)emailing me about him! Then they started not returning emails or phone calls, etc.

They never even called (That their Contract Recruiter stated; "She had to do" etc, etc,)to "Confirm" my Restart Date for and with the Company! They also knew all about my Father!

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May 01, 2018
Dearborn, MI
by: Anonymous

Several companies will hire you with that long gap in driving. Many companies bending their rules these days, so websites may not show that.Do some online applications, then follow up with a phone call to check on your application.

Try these:
Century Trucking in Detroit
Abilene Motor Express
Freymiller - www.drive4freymiller.com
Western Express
Titan Transfer - has decent refresher course
Magnum Ltd.
Calex Logistics -Address: 58 Pittston Ave, Pittston, PA 18640
Phone: (570) 603-0180
Calex runs lots of California and Las Vegas.

May 01, 2018
Michigan Driver seeking a trucking job!
by: dennis shipman

Check out Driver Pulse by Tenstreet
https://pulse.tenstreet.com/. And do your homework.

With an M88 MOS, a Veteran, and clean background, you can pick and choose where you wish to work after you get 2 years O-T-R under your belt.

Best of luck. 10-4.

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