Might be common sense to you but I have no idea ....

by Sam

I'm going OTR with my boyfriend. What are some things I absolutely need to know...

Rather than asking him who's going to give me the complicated answers I won't understand or the I don't know cause he's irritated with my ignorance I figure I'll ask you guys.

Tips, advice, anything at this point will help :)

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Jun 03, 2014
off the top NEW
by: Anonymous

Snacks,female products, money,something to keep ya self entertained and toilet tissue some rest area are far apart lol and lots to drink everything cost alot on the road so the more you bring the less you spend

Jun 03, 2014
by: Anonymous

Really? when i took my girl out with me I told her what she would need. She also was not afraid to ask my advice. Want my advice find a better man your sounds like an asshole.

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