Minimum Age/Weight for passenger

Can a 3 yr old ride as a passenger in a commercial vehicle?

I did not know if there is a weight or age limit for him to ride in a car seat with me.

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Jul 01, 2013
rider age NEW
by: Anonymous

hello,all trucking companies are different it all depends on the insurance company,most long haul operations need the passenger to be at least 15 years of age and can only ride between april and oct,winters on the road are way to dangerous for any advice would be to not say any thing simply hide your kid in sleeper at all weigh stations,load or unload places and truck stops if you see a fellow company driver.they can sit up front only when driving.i started riding with my dad in 1980 I was 8 every summer all summer never had any problems,even back then they did not allow children in any truck unless you owned it and insured it and had your own authority.some times it better to not say anything and be careful!

Jun 12, 2013
age and weight restriction for passengers
by: Hervy

The company that you are driving for will have it's own age and weight policy for riders.

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