misdemeanor charge pending/ can i go otr/ will any one hire me

by rustynail
(columbia s.c.)

I have been offered a job driving for a large carrier.I go 2 orientation monday.I didnt tell them about a false charge im fightting.Should i or what should i do.

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Feb 28, 2010
Pending charges for drivers hired to drive
by: Hervy

Rusty make sure your application... well your application is gone now but, see if you can remember the wording on your application....

Did it ask about pending charges or have you ever been convicted.

If it only asked about if you have ever been convicted of ......
pending charges is not a conviction.

If it asked do you have ever been or are currently being charged with ....... then it would cover your current situation, at least that's how I see it.

In which case I agree with the guys that you might as well tell them because eventually they will find out.

Don't just call them and tell them, try to meet with someone with the power to make decisions and tell them you didn't think that was something they were wanting to know because you were convicted yet until you talked with other people about it.

MAKE SURE display your sincerity in being remorseful in not having disclosed it on the application and that you are trying to make it right by notifying them.

Also display your remorse and responsibility (what ever level that is) in what put you in the predicament of the charges or if it was completely unwarranted explain it but if you were guilty of anything own up to it so that you can show you see where your mistakes were and that you have learned and changed your way of thinking.

Trying to put the blame on anything else would make him feel that you could end up making the same mistake again and so why would he hire you then.

Different companies has different policies so if it is within his power after seeing your positive attitude he may feel he has gotten a good potential (person)driver.

If in your attitude he sees exactly what led up to the pending charges......guess what happens before you even finish talking to him?

Hope this helps man and good luck. Plus remember....we all make mistakes...they will have consequences....the only way to make the most out of them is to own up to them so we learn from them so don't get discouraged if you end up losing this opportunity but just keep pushing forward and pass the right advice to others about how to avoid the same mistakes in their lives.

With the right perspective and attitude you will eventually meet people who recognize your worth and give you that chance to prove yourself of their good judgment of you.

Good luck man,

Feb 26, 2010
by: Andy

if a company gets mad they may report all kinds offalse stuf if you have been accused of something is differant than being convicted just recently i had to stay home and take care of my wife because she was involed in a accident the company wanted me to run but i couldnt but after she gets better i get turned down every whewr until i found out the co that i used to work reported a lot of false info thats why its important to try and be honest and check your dac every now and then good luck god bless

Feb 26, 2010
Legal issues pending.
by: Jimmy

All companies state no pending charges are allowed. But, will they know about them? Jimmy

Feb 26, 2010
TELL them
by: Anonymous

You would do well to tell them now and hope they will be ok with it. If you don't tell them and they find out later, you can be fired for providing false information and that will go on your D.A.C. Honesty is one of the biggest things they will be looking for. If your charge is still pending you might want to look for another kind of work until this issue gets resolved.

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