Misdemeanor - Class B

by David

Oh boy here go?s nothing?!?! I just discovered that I have a misdemeanor on my criminal record?man I didn?t even know I HAD a criminal record. I work with computers and we must have top security clearance. I remember this; I was a speeding ticket (63 in a 55) that I didn?t pay several years earlier because I just flat out forgot. I have had only three tickets in my entire life?really, just one I didn?t pay for. So when I went to renew my license they told me it was ?INVALID?, so I called the D.A. and discovered I had a suspend license and I had a class B misdemeanor and I would have to pay a fine and that?s it, I said OK. I didn?t go to jail but did have to get my picture taken, but the D.A. said it wouldnt show up on my MVR. Now here is the funny part?it?s NOT on my MVR, just shows up on a criminal record. Will this hurt me getting a good job like with TMC flatbed? BTW this happened in 2007.


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Apr 29, 2009
David had a memory lapse.
by: Jimmy

Forgot to pay a ticket? Must have been the same day you forgot to put your pants on when you went to work. (Just kidding) It's a strange one, but is quite trivial as far as getting a job. Anything negative is a hurdle, but I would say this is a small hurdle. Keep plugging along. TMC has nice equipment. Jimmy

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