Misdemeanors and deferred Judgments and probation driving

by John C
(Iowa, USA)

Hello, I have 3 simple misdemeanors, 1 Serious misdemeanor and a deferred judgment that will be off my record in 1 1/2 year.

I'm currently on light probation and have just earned my CDL through a local school payed for by the state. Are there any companies who will take me right out of school?

The simple misdemeanors are for really stupid crap like. 1998 Possession of alcohol under legal age
1999 Abandonment of Motor Vehicle

The worst one is 2003 possession of Drug paraphernalia

My serious misdemeanor is 2004 Possession of Marijuana

My deferred judgment is from 2011 and for tax stamp violation.

Should I give up on pursuing a career in truck driving, or should I move to Colorado and go back to growing hydroponic Cannabis for sick people?

I have a spotless MVR and I have all my endorsements. I was told Swift,CR England or CRST may hire me... I'm cautious to even try because I may try and then get put on a ban list.

I may attempt to have my lawyer expunge the older Simple misdemeanors but I don't know if it's possible.

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Mar 27, 2014
may trucking NEW
by: Anonymous

May trucking!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU

Feb 01, 2012
hard to answer NEW
by: Hervy

John, we would be guessing to answer. Those are some old charges but you are in a sea of applicants.

There is only one sure way to find out what will happen.

Fill out plenty of applications.

If you do get hired, I suggest wear your success goggles. The trucking company probably will not give you many breaks.

Best wishes moving forward,

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