by Trina
I am so lonely and miserable how can we make this? Sick literally hospital type sick. Worried husband will loose his shot at con way truckload if he gets called home bc I end up in surgery. I don''t want to go in hospital and get operated on again,he and I were trying to figure things out a few hours ago. Will he loOse his chance half way through he driving out there?if I have emergency? Will they put him on a plane instead of a us if is an emergency? Last surgery I was within 45 minutes offed th if I didn't get my emergency surgery. I'm scared he is scared and homesick to add to the mix. His driver trainer told him they will put him a greyhound home?!! He is in Oklahoma I'm home in our house in Connecticut if I go in to surgery that would not be an option 4-5 days of him on a bus could mean life or death if being w me?! They know new drivers w trainers don't have money! I don't know what to do. He doesn't either please any advice ladies or knowledge Conway truckload division. So scared and alone.
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