Mom Here...My Son Just Started Driving

by Deborah


I am so glad I found your site. There's so much fabulous information here. My son (25yo) is just starting his training with a company i won't name right now and I am trying to help him with as much info as I can on what to expect, how to make things go smoothly, etc.

It's late now but I will be going through this site later to take advantage of all the great info and videos I see here. I would love to correspond with you and ask you questions directly.

I didn't see a "contact us" link (you might consider adding one) also an "about me" page would be nice too. It would help people to connect with the creator of this wonderful trucking site.


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Jan 14, 2012
Mother of a newbie NEW
by: Hervy

Hey Deborah, aren't you a helpful mom! I think you will help your Son out a lot by getting him to think through some of the stuff you will read before hand.

You also helped me out. :-) I had done the contact page a while ago but was never put it on the Nav bar think I would go back and make it more fancier.

Never made it more fancier but I have put it on the Navigation Menu now thanks to your reminder.

Would love to send you a CD to give to your son as a thank you. It might save you from remembering or writing some stuff down and also get him to researching more himself.

See the Contact us form and leave an email,


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