momma bears (with a trucker and loving it)

Hmmmm, where to start. I was married for 19 years when my hubby left me and our three kids for another woman.

I met my trucker online - he had been married for 18 years and has three children that he is raising. His wife decided to walk as well, so we had that in common over the three weeks we talked over the phone and online while he was on the road.

Due to the fact we really got to know each other this way before we came face to face.... it was like we had been together forever by the time we actually met. We had agreed on a meeting spot. When our eyes met, he walked right over to me and hugged me... I thought he would never let go. It was the most romantic thing I have ever experienced.

I am a very independent person, who is raising a family, working and going to school. I like my time as an individual and have no issues with his employment.

To date he is home on the weekends where everything comes to a grinding halt and we spend quality time together as a family. I love his kids as though they were my own and my youngest son admires him so much as his birth father does not have much to do with him.

I would not have it any other way... for me, he is the perfect life partner, a hard worker, a passionate man and a dedicated father...

cheers to all the ladies out there that support their man in this industry.

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Jan 18, 2015
Beautiful Story. Thanks for sharing! NEW
by: Mom2Manyddjjjeh

It is wonderful to hear a story of a relationship where life looks well. So many sad stories out here it makes me tearful for all the ones who have heartbreak and pains. Blessings to you and your family!

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