Most Pilot Truck stops Now Have Oatmeal

Been meaning to post this for a while now. Finally I stopped procrastinating. Yep, the pilot has flavored oatmeal over where the coffee is located. Cheap, quick, healthy breakfast in the face of those who say there are no options.

I Tried using coffee in the maple and brown sugar instead of water and its a hit for me but I am always experiment with food anyway so what I do others might find disgusting but there you have it, the only recipe (if you want to call it that) that I have provided to the site.

Coffee for water in the oatmeal, lol.

Also just a thought that came across me today. If you are trying to eat a healthy diet and your cravings for sweets are a challenge there are to good options that may work for you....

Not from the truck stops of course, Cereal is pretty sweet even if you get the healthy stuff by Kashi or Fiber One.

Also if you must have Chocolate some will try to justify dark chocolate because of the studies that show positive some positive benefits (Only if you don't OD on it) you might want to opt for the Coated nuts instead. Nuts are very healthy and it will be a lot better to eat than cakes because you'll get the protein from the nuts and only get more junk from the baked sweets.

That's how I handle it.

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