Mother and New Trucker's Wife

by cynthia collins
(lake jackson, tx)

my daughter and her daddy

my daughter and her daddy

My husband is a trucker for CR England and he just started. He has been gone on the road training for a month and a half. So its just me and my baby girl Elizabeth at home alone.

The worst thing about it is that I haven't seen him for a month and a half and he doesn't always get the chance to call home. Which means that I'm the one taking care of the home front and raising our daughter pretty much alone.

It can be stressful taking care of an almost two year old alone when you don't have anyone to help like you normally would when there's two parents involved.

But I can honestly say were hanging in there even though it gets hard sometimes.

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May 12, 2014
trucker's wife NEW
by: Samantha

Be careful with CR England. My husband was a leasing operator and was not getting the money nor the miles to make money. He was there for about a year and now is no longer. He went to Trans AM and same thing happened to him. He sat too much and wasn't making the miles to make money. At one time he made $0 for 2 weeks. Between these two companies he could not live on the road nor give me any money to hold down the fort. He now works for a small private company and makes $1200 plus a week, so after almost 2 years of trial and error he is finally making what he should be for a OTR driver. As far as him being able to talk to you, I'm not sure why he can't because I talk to mine several times a day except when he his sleeping ofcourse. So good luck and hope you have a better experience then we did.

May 09, 2014
your thoughts NEW
by: Anonymous

I read that your husband just finished his 6 week training. was wondering do you find he made a decent amount weekly enough to live on and for him to be able to live out on the road for that long. just wondering because my husband is leaving for 6 week training soon and im worried we wont have enough money I have heard some stories about not getting paid enough
thanks for any input you may have

Mar 25, 2014
Making the Best of the Trucking Lifestyle NEW
by: Hervy

Congratulations. Sounds like you have decided that you will make this work.

Here is some information that will help you talk about what each is facing while the other is gone. It can also give you some ideas for questions to ask for helping to make the relationships even stronger.

Making the OTR relationship stronger

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