motherhood and trucking

by Jamie
(Loveland, Colorado, USA)

Me and my husband are both going into trucking together, and that after trucking for 2-3 years having a baby, how can a husband and wife have a baby and be team truckers?

Is there any way to raise a baby on the road? Maybe who ever is resting can care for the baby and "home school" the child when they get older?

Are there trucks that have more than 1 bed or sleeper area that when the child gets older can have there own "room"?

Or my husband can do the 5 week drive and when he gets home then after his 5 days home i could drive for 5 weeks and back and forth?

please yahoo message me or email me at


Lifeasatrucker response:

Yes, there have been couples who home schooled their children in the truck while on the road.

Only couple who are very intentional about providing the child with the best learning experience should attempt this though.
Here is proof of what is possible.

Since you are planning ahead though you really can have other options, like lower your expenses to minimum now. Run hard for those 3 years while saving. Then maybe take a year or so off.

Maybe even after 3 years of teaming and saving a local or regional job could be suitable for expenses and taking care of the family.

Here is a website that talks about the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling and also some ideas to help make homeschooling a positive experience.

As far as the alternating week thing you can definitely drive like that if a company would work with you to do something like that. There again, since you are thinking ahead now, you could find one prior to the need.

You can get truck sleepers just about as fancy as you want to get them. I don't know for show about separate room but these people do. Watch the video

custom big truck sleeper

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