Moving for the better opportunity?

by Sierra

My husband and i have been married for 3.5 years and have a 2.5 year old. He has been a trucker for almost a year.

My question is, have any of you all made a compromise and moved away from both of yalls family (600 miles +) to have a better career for him?

I really wanna encourage him and move and be supportive but I will know absolutely no one, nor will i be getting a job to stay home with our daughter.

Where we live now, Tennessee, we have his entire family minutes from us and mine only a couple hours. He wants to move to Wisconsin but im supper hesitant only because of the fact we will know no one and I don't wanna be stuck indoors all day.

I need advice. Please help.

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Nov 14, 2018
Leaving Tennessee
by: Anonymous

I posted the other post about Las Vegas/Henderson.
I'm from Robertson County, just a little North of Nashville; born and raised there.

The other day I was walking around my neighborhood, here in Henderson, Nevada and started talking to one of my neighbors. He happens to be from Johnson City and moved here a couple of years ago.

Nov 11, 2018
Las Vegas or Henderson, Nevada
by: Anonymous

Move to Las Vegas or Henderson, Nevada. They're basically the same city with an invisible zig-zag line separating them.

I moved here from Tennessee and love it here. Beautiful neighborhoods that are safe for family with excellent schools. I have 2 in school here.
Schools are rated 1 thru 10 with 10 being the best. Both mine are in schools rated 10.

Palm trees everywhere and right now it's 62 degrees. You will love it here and there's plenty of good trucking jobs for your husband; plenty of local/regional/OTR.

Don't need bulky winter clothes here, just a light jacket during the winter months.
Better yet, Nevada has no state personal income taxes and no food taxes.

Do some Google or Bing searches for homes/apartments/condos in Las Vegas & Henderson, because I think you will love what you see.

Nov 11, 2018
To wives considering moving away from family for husbands trucking job
by: Hervy

You can find posts on here from women who's man (most not husbands) has moved them away from their families and loved ones.

They mostly moved to the middle of nowhere. They speak of being miserable. Here's how you avoid that.

That is a little different than you being married for 3.5 years. With your time in, you can make some assessments.....

Is he controlling, abusive, jealous?
If not good. If so, don't move.

Are you moving to a secluded place away from civilization?
If not good. If so, don't move.

If he is loving and treats you like with respect and like an adult, (as opposed to treats you like a child or slave) and the move is closer to his terminal or high volume of freight, etc.... (In other words makes logical sense) then it sounds like a reasonable decision to ponder.

If you have read this and red flags are popping up in your head, you probably shouldn't move.

ALSO.... will his pay increase so much that it will cover the expenses for cost of living there?

If you have not researched this.... this website might help to get an idea.

Will his pay increase cover you not working? And also, how do you know that? (Its a question for him because he shouldn't assume that it will be better for him, there should be reasonable explanation based on data that justifies that thought. Not just an assumption. Too much of a change for an assumption)

Also, how often will he be coming home at this new location. If the opportunity allows him to come home more, that's good. If he will be gone just as much, Plus you are gone from all family and friends, is this really a smart move? (Even if it's just for money. If so how much money? $100 maybe not. $1,000 maybe yes).

Also, is this permanent or temporary? Is there a plan to end this excursion? For example, it is to go near an oilfield, maybe the plan is to hustle hard, live on beans and rice, pay off some debt and save a nest egg then return to normal life. I don't know. But the question is there a plan related to this move (and for your future in general actually). If not why not? Force... ok, ask him to sit down with you and make one.

(We tend to not do this because it takes time, effort, focus and it's more work, lol. But it's important work. Plus many people just don't think in this way.)

Also, if it is not a move to a secluded area, then it doesn't matter a lot that you don't know anyone. You can meet people. Find groups that have similar interest. Maybe a parenting group, or exercise, yoga, book club, tennis, etc.

OK. This should help you make a good decision about whether to move away or not.

Also, one more thing. He's been driving for almost a year. Maybe he could stay put and become an owner operator. Especially if the company that he is at has owner operators and he can talk to them about their experience leased on there. Check out this page about becoming an owner operator

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