My boyfriend is a trucker and when he comes home on the weekends he doesnt want to have sex either night. Is he cheating???

by Gennifer

When we first got together he was great. when he came home on weekends he loved me up. he acted like i was everything. which i know the new wears off eventually but come on. not that much.

When he comes home i run out to the truck and try to love him up and he just give me a fake hug and a simple kiss. like u do your mother or something. then he immediately want to go run around and visit which i understand but he hasn't seen me in a week either and we live together.

Maybe it is me and i expect him to come home and love me up. we have only been together for a yr. and from what i have heard from him family that he has a bad track record of leaving woman, but people change and he is a trucker he is on the road more than home.

so please give me some advice. Should i talk to him on the cell phone less. cause i talk to him bout 15 times a day. just lil short conversations. please help.....

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May 31, 2010
He ain't happy.
by: Jimmy

Something is wrong here. He comes home and wants to visit his friends? Are you smothering him? (15 calls a day). Time for a sit down, face to face talk. Jimmy

May 27, 2010
I switched sides!
by: Hervy

Gennifer, I was behind your thoughts until you said you call 15 times a day. LOL

Depending on what he hauls (how his company operates) that may be waaaaay too many calls or just too many calls. I mean for me, I have to make about 15 calls a day and then I deliver in between the calls. I don't have time to be on the phone leisurely.

Then you got to think, if I answered and then have to get off several times in a hurry "because I am working!" she (if there was a she) would probably not find it too much fun.

Point is, if he enjoys the calls fine. If it seems like he wish you wouldn't call 15 times you probably shouldn't.

Having said that, if I had a woman happy, smiling and running to greet me when I got home I don't think I would just keep blowing her off.

You will have to sit down and have a conversation about what's bothering him, and then tell him why your asking, which is your opportunity to tell him what's bothering you.

You two might want to watch this video on this page together.

relationship advice

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