My chocolate lover is gone too much

by Chineka

I love my husband. He is the light of my life. He would give me the world if he could. He works so hard for our family, but he is gone too much.

He is the best lover i have ever had. Yes, even after 12 years. The way he makes love to me make me want him more and more.

I find myself thinking of him, how he holds me, and how his rough hands softly touch my body. I miss my chocolate lover


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Jun 01, 2011
Alrighty then!
by: Hervy

Glad you two are still in blitz, lol.

Continued fun and happiness!

May 31, 2011
chocolate lover
by: TruckerYitz

so my guess is that this is a real problem that you have and not a sex desire. so with the whole over nite and long haul truckng, most spouses are seperated from family even for months atn a time.

if he is even gonna be passing by with a 300 mile radius from the home, go jump in the pichkup and stay a few hrs at ba motel and have a snack at a diner like its a date .

call on the phone and do chat on video chat on the internet.

if his company allows spouses to ride along during the summer and holiday seasons, take the week or two off from work and ride along.

and do what ever is necessary to keep the spark alive.
hey if wearing one of his shirts helps you, do that. i remember when i was a kid girls liked to wear thier boyfriends shirts.

good luck to you.

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