My driver has PTSD and is on Meds

by Dan

My brother works for me hauling a 6500 gallon tanker receiving benefits for his PTSD is the percent Iraqi war.

He decided to make an appointment to see if he can become more disabled and now they have him on some meds he's claiming to have all kinds of problems.

He has work for me for 2 years. I love the guy but I have a business to protect My question is will the VA report him to the DMV ?

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Nov 22, 2015
No. Lol....
by: Anonymous

Doesn't even matter if they do.

Bottom line is: The State wants him to work, they dont want to pay out. They NEVER do.

You would be surprised at what really goes on in the deep dark recesses of this industry.

D.O.T drug testing is a frickin' joke. It doesnt make a driver clean and sober in any way, shape or form.

If the trucking industry halts, the economy halts, and we all know we have not been doing so well for quite some time.

Nobody talks to anyone. Doctors dont talk, nobody.

You are protected by HIPPA.

If they even attempted to "report' him, how would they benefit?

Do you think they actually care about him or the general public?

Do you think they are concerned about safety?

They just won't want to pay and they will do anything NOT to pay, so as long as he is working, they might give him more meds that the DOT doesnt test for and just keep him validated.

I sure wouldnt worry about it, and even if a letter did come, I would just call an attorney.

It sounds like the guy shows up for work regardless of all the rest of his 'issues' ...

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