My DUI is 5 yrs old. Is getting back on the road as a driver possible?


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Jun 21, 2010
Truck Driving after a DUI is possible. Come on!
by: NickV

Hey man start putting in apps. All companies have different rules and regulations. You just gotta look. I have a DUI I got back in 03. Haunted me for about 9 months, couldn't find a job anywhere. Dec. 2010 got hooked up with CRST. May want to check there. Been here since.

Just listen to this key word of advice. You get a job, best stick with it and do everything they want you to cause guess what, as hard as it will be to find a job with a DUI it will be harder with a DUI and quitting a company also.

Get your experience and the doors will open. I know what your thinking, and you have put in countless applications and still nothing. Gotta put in double what you've been putting in man. I would set aside a Sunday night each week and probably put in 25 apps every Sunday.

Put in some apps to companies twice, three times. Gotta stay persistent brother. They see your hungry and they will call, trust me. For 9 months I swore I wasted my money on driving school but it finally paid off and I couldn't be happier.

Stick with it man and when you do find someone, cause you will, dont do them wrong. Do your time, do everything dispatch says, and when you have your experience under your belt of at least a year, dont just quit on them, give your two weeks, stay out for that extra week or month or whatever, be respectful cause quite honestly man the company that your gonna go to that has promised you the world...more than likely your gonna be beggin for your old job back.

Hope the best for you bro and keep in touch and let us know how your doin. Good Luck

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