my experience on the road with him

Me and my trucker hubby go on the road together (like every time he is in the truck so am I). And dont get me wrong I love being with him and I know I would hate it ... but sometimes it seems like being cooped up together he gets sick of me ... and I understand I'm hard to deal with for long periods of time...

I talk a lot, I get frequent migraines and if you've ever had a migraine in a truck you know thats hell so I get bit*y a lot ... but he takes it like a champ so when I know im getting to him with my talking all the time or bitc*y Ness I go to the bunk and try and give him space but I dont know if thats cutting it lol.

I love him and I know he loves me but im afraid being together all the time is going to make him hate me lol.... on to other complaints have you ever tried to pee into a bottle through a funnel in a moving truck someone anyone PLEASE tell me there is a way to make this an easier task lol ....

OK enough of my griping its someone else's turn

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Jan 31, 2015
Been In that situation... NEW
by: Krista

This response may be a bit late...

I went on the road with my husband last year around this time, and I loved every bit of it. Of course not being able to shower or pee in comfort, I would say, lol, was hard. I started to complain about having to pee in cups and whatever I could find lol. So my husband decided to use a anti-freeze bottle, turn it on the side and cut a hole in it, wide enough of course, and there you go. It worked for me and did the job. ~~God Bless

Sep 04, 2014
huh NEW
by: Anonymous

that's just ridiculous! have him pull over so you can go to the bathroom for christs sake! if my trucker can do it and hes been running for 25 years your fool of bf can too! anyway i looked online for you and they do have porta-potties you can use in hard times.

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