My gal is an OTR trucker

by Kem

My gal is on OTR trucker. I knew this when we decided to share life together. Its not a job. Its her life style & I am so proud of her.

I do go out with her a few times a year so I know what the life style is. And giving it a shot many years ago I can relate.

We talk on the phone twice a day. She lets me know she is safe & I fill her in on what's going on here at home.

During inclement weather she sends me an app from her phone telling me exactly what mile marker she is at.

Twice this spring while she was in Mississippi I saw she was in a direct line to be struck by tornadoes. I had her stop to wait 15 minutes. When she proceeded she saw the damage.
I can see every inch of I80 through Wyoming online.

Before she commits to I80 I check weather so she can make an informed decision which route to take to keep her safe & rolling.

I was so lucky to be able to retire early. I make her meals during the week & also am remodeling our home. When she gets home she says its like Christmas. There is always something new.

I do miss her while she is gone but I am interactive. I keep tabs on the weather where she is going. When its late & she wants to park at her delivery I can check Google to see where the best place is for her to park for the night.
Its best to be supportive rather than be negative.

A trucker spends all that time behind the wheel concentrating & doesn't need added stress from home.

Now.....wheres that app that will let me slap all those stupid 4 wheelers?

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Feb 09, 2017
A flip on the usual
by: Hervy

Thanks so much for sharing Kem. We rarely get the guy at home sharing the lifestyle with the lady trucker OTR.

Seems you are doing very well with making it extra exciting to get back home, lol.

Happy to see that you two are happy with how things are going and that the relationships is still strong. Checking the weather and contributing to safe travels is a great idea and way to stay connected despite the miles apart.

You had me rolling on the App for slapping four wheelers.

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