my hire right came back clean but i have a minor record no felonies should i tell the companies about my minor record?

by juan

my hireright came back clean but i have a minor record but no felonies should i tell companies about my record?

Comments for my hire right came back clean but i have a minor record no felonies should i tell the companies about my minor record?

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Feb 05, 2012
To tell or not to tell, that is the question. NEW
by: Alleycat

I was in orientation with a company that did really intense background checks. The second day into orientation people were getting sent home because records they thought were ex-sponged were popping up on the background check. The company said they had falsified their application by not telling about minor stuff. I heard this and I was real worried because I knew there were some things I left off my app because I was afraid they wouldn't hire me. So I really was torn what to do, I even prayed about it (and I'm no holy roller type ok). I ended up telling them the info I had left out. I said I wasn't sure if I had to give the information because of the way the question was worded but regardless now they knew the dirt on me. After some different head honcho's talked it over they decided to hire me anyway because they liked the fact I was honest and came clean about it. As it turned out, nothing had came up on my background check, I could have gotten away with not telling after all. Ironic huh?

Sep 28, 2011
If youve done it, they will find it
by: NickV

Id throw out a ballpark number of 95% of companies are going to run a background check on you. Its best to just come out up front with your recruiter and ask them what you should and shouldn't put on your app.

That way you have nothing to lose cause as much as you think them recruiters are your friend you are really just a number so they wont even give you the time if your record if jacked up.

NOW, another thing that is odd is that there are a crap load of back ground checks out there and some divulge information that others don't.

Its weird but yeah one can say everything you've done since that tootsie roll you stole in pre k and the next wont show anything. Of course you cant pre determine which one they are gonna use or what they will find but that's where your recruiter comes in and says yeah put that on there or no don't cause it was too long ago and wont show up or whatever.

Hope you can find something and like Hervy said definitely stay out of trouble. If truck driving is a life you want to live you have to keep your record clean.

Not a lot of companies are dealing with people with records now a days since truckers are a dime a dozen.

Sep 28, 2011
by: Anonymous


Sep 28, 2011
by: Anonymous


Sep 28, 2011
Hire Right is not for your criminal record
by: Hervy

Hire right is not for reporting your criminal past. That's on your background check. Most likely the company will find out about it. then they will probably fire you.

However, a minor record with no felonies shouldn't keep you from eventually getting a trucking job if you tell the truth on the application.

Good luck,
Stay out of trouble Juan :0)


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