My husband graduates school on Saturday and I have some ?'s

Hi we live in Philly and P.A.M. payed for his schooling. He just told me he needs to go to AK. for his training, how long is this?

When he is finally on his own Will he have to report to them after he has his few days off?

Is there somewhere closer to us where he can get his rig after he is done his training?

I hope I was clear with my questions?

I look forward to hearing from you and as us Irish say SAFE HOME!!

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Feb 27, 2023
Company Sponsored Training
by: The Crazy Trucker

New drivers are pretty much at the mercy of these companies who offer free CDL training when they first start with them.

There is a terminal in Jackson Ohio. Will they send him there? Who knows. Sometimes entering training is a logistics issue. Meaning he would have to wait to get to that location and not go to the other. Or there may be trainers available NOW at the other location and not at the one nearest to the home.

Or training period doesn't start at the closest terminal any time soon but it's starting soon at the one they are sending him too.

As far as him having to go way out there after graduating from their training, I doubt it. He should be able to make the closest terminal home.

Or a terminal of his choosing.

But either way, if he's out trucking, he doesn't have to first make it back to the home terminal.

(Or so some companies will say)

At PAM there will let you take the truck home so it's not like he will have to park the truck at the terminal 1,000 miles away and find a way or pay for a way back home for home time.

Exactly how things will change is hard to say because it depends on who ends up being his dispatcher.

So really, it's just a wait and see type of deal. However, don't get too upset about it. This is just life as a trucker in training. Common for getting your CDL at company sponsored programs.

Things will change up a lot after he finishes training and get's his own truck.

I hear many drivers like it over at PAM. I think it has a lot to do with where you live. I think you guys will be OK living in Philly.

He needs to go ahead and decide on saving as much as possible. The pay won't be great the first year. It will get better the following one if he keeps his record in good standing.

Take care

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