My husband had a stroke in his sleeper - can he get workers comp?

by Gail
(Milford, Me)

My husband suffered a massive stroke while in his truck in a truckstop in NH. We live in ME.

Could you help me with information on whether he is eligible for Work Comp. He is currently in Mass. General in Boston, and is not awake at this time (coma)

Thank You for your time, Gail

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Jul 10, 2014
good info NEW
by: Anonymous

great info Hervy.

in the meantime can he collect state disability in your state? if he paid into that system he is entitled to collect from it. if not i am sure he has paid into ssi and should be able to collect his ssdi and then if his condition is permanent then he can move over to collect his ssi. they have lawyers that can help if you are not familiar with that system who can file it for him and handle the legalities there is no fee up front for this type of lawyer and only collect 15% after he is done and your husband has been approved. good luck to you both and take care.

Jul 09, 2014
Workers Comp for trucker
by: Hervy

Hope that you are coping with all that is going on in good spirits.

I am sadden about you and husband having to deal with this challenge.

There have been a few cases where this has happened. The argument in the one that I read about was that running illegal with lack of sleep,etc. brung about the stroke.

It was contested however noting that the driver habits and genetics contributed more. However the trucking company didn't bring all of the requested documentation to the hearing.

Cased was ruled in favor of the claim.

But they went to court again. I don't know what happened.

The best place to get better answers is a workers compensation lawyer in your state.

Here is a website that you can ask questions for free and see if you are closer to a definitive answer. You probably won't get specific answers without a conversation with someone knowledgeable of workers comp and the law in your state.

Do what helps you remain strong and hopeful about things working out.

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