My husband is having trouble backing up!!!!

My husband is on his last two weeks of training and he still can't back up!!! He is soooo frustrated, plus his trainer is not letting him practice backing up because he says that he should have learned it in school and that it usually takes for a driver to get good at it after 6 months to a year doing it!!! Is this true???

My husband is sooo frustrated to the point he wants to quit!!! He is afraid he Won't pass the final driving test after his training!!!

Can anyone give some suggestions??!?! I feel bad for him, don't want him to give up after all the time he has invested training....

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Mar 02, 2017
Tips for improving your backing skills
by: Hervy

Tips for improving your backing skills.
Improving backing skills

Sep 18, 2013
Thank you
by: Nancy

Everyone thank you soooo much for your concerns and your comments and advice!!! I will let him know, I really appreciate it...

Sep 18, 2013
Back up driver
by: NickV

Backing is definitely the hardest part of the job. Quitting would solve nothing and his trainer is a douche bag if he's not letting him back. That's why he's called a freakin trainer.

Nothing I can say will make it easier on him. Only thing that will make you better is practice. He needs to explain to his trainer he either needs to practice at the truck stop or get a new trainer. And by at the truck stop I mean an empty one. Anyone can drive a truck straight even a well trained monkey. Only advice I can give is use every inch of space you got to make your back.

In a straight back whatever side you want that trailer to go, turn into that mirror. You see your trailer going left in your mirror and you want it back right turn the wheel to the right mirror. Just learning you want to get yourself into a straight back as soon as possible.

90 degree backs are the hardest other then blind side which don't even attempt a blind side. Tell him to pass his hole and when the drive tires get the left side of hole whip it right till trailer is almost diagonal to hole. Then back left so he can watch the trailer. Turn wheel right and watch that trailer, once it gets some what in the hole "get under it", whip that wheel back. Should be somewhere near parallel. Now pull up and straight back it. Practice is the key and even what I have said won't help but a little.

Good luck to him and don't let him quit! Support is better than coffee!

Sep 18, 2013
by: Anonymous

Should let him try till he learns.
only way to learn is by doing it.

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