My husband is such a hard working trucker

by Linda Boggs
(United States)

My husband Will is an OTR trucker. The longest he's been gone is about 5 weeks. We talk everyday on the cell phones and sometimes more than once a day. When he does make it home we spend our time together, I try to take a couple of days off work and we try to go out once while he's home.
I can call him anytime I want or need to. We try to be as supportive as possible eventhough we might be a couple of thousand miles apart.We are devoted to each other and trust is never an issue with us. We are best friends as well as husband and wife.
This is his Owner Operator. He is following his dream. Things are tight right now as he's just beginning with a new company, but they will get better. We just have to be patient and keep a positive attitude. I trust he knows what he's doing as he's been there before and a trucker for almost 3 decades. I love him dearly.

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May 29, 2009
Very nice ;)
by: Jennifer Schnittker

I am glad to see you are so supportive, I appologize for not commenting sooner- I have to ask this though, if he is an owner operator, do you go with him? I personally love to go with my husband. It is so relaxing, no responsibilities, no house to clean, animals to care for. Just me, a book, a movie, and sleep when I want.

Apr 15, 2009
Linda and Will have it down.
by: Jimmy

Hi Linda, glad your marriage is working for you. You love and respect each other. You support him with his dream. That's what it's all about. Jimmy

Apr 15, 2009
by: Anonymous

Thats a great story of love, devotion, that is proof it can be done. You both will be rewarded in due season. May God bless all you do for Him and each other. Keep up the good work.

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