my husband lost his job due to a failure to submit a drug test reason being is we had two deaths in our family back to back and he forgot to go he had never failed a test before.

i dont believe that it is on his dac report will he be able to drive again?

Comments for my husband lost his job due to a failure to submit a drug test reason being is we had two deaths in our family back to back and he forgot to go he had never failed a test before.

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May 15, 2011
the urine collection
by: TruckerYitz

its a shame, but not providing a urine specimen is a DOT fail. n even if one has gone to the dr / lab/ etc and in my case, i tried but didn't fill the cup with enough urine. and i got a failure to report, and got fired.

i was dehydrated and got some urine into cup but not enough to get that split specimen. the system is supposed to weed out the junkies, but us honest drivers get hurt by it.

strange enough giving a hair specimen can test back to 90 days, but since the DOT doesn't require that test, it wont save a driver for failure to report.

good luck.

May 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

So u mean to tell me that even a small company wont hire him that's so sad because it was a honest mistake and a hard worker who has a passion to drive over the road

May 14, 2011
Drug Tests.
by: Jimmy

Failure to submit to a drug test is the same as failing a drug test. Will be almost impossible to get hired. Sorry. Jimmy

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