my husbands crazy ex

by elizabeth

when i met my now husband he still had an ex girlfriend living at his house. things were over between them he said...i didnt find out about all this crap till later in the the urging of his kids he finally filled me in and of course i was pissed to the extreme..we were only engaged at the time but after many tears and soul searching i decided to go thru with the marriage because what was good between us outweighed the bad...she moved out right before i moved in and she literally cleaned him out...but things didnt stop there..she got the phone numbers of my family members and trashed him up one side and down the other...she would call our house and hang up and we also found out she had the neighbors spying on us!!! talk about sick freaks...well it gets even better than that..

one afternoon after grocery shopping she confronted me in the parking lot of the store..i couldnt believe my husband had ever been interested in this dog but he stayed with her for ten years!!! she kept turning the tears on and off like a faucet and of course i didnt believe anything she had to say..but the problem is she filled my head with stories about what he may or may not be doing out on the road while hes gone...

i am adopted and still have some lingering abandonment issues..well he kept calling that night and i wouldnt answer the phone because i was so angry and i wanted to see his reaction in person to her comments..

we had it out right there in the kitchen and to this day that conversation still haunts do i let it all go? how do i let her go? he gives me full access to his phone and his log books but because my first husband cheated there is always that nagging doubt in the back of my mind!!!

do you guys trust your hubby 100% and if so how do you do it? there is also a 21 year age gap between us and he is always asking if im going to trade him in on a newer model...

how do we let our crazy insecurities go so he can do a good job out on the road and not worry about me and i can do my job at home which is being a good loving and trusting wife...

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Jan 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

thanks for everyones comments-alot of her allegations are he said she said so what can i do? im glad i got that off my chest finally but it still bothers me..we saw her at the grocery store today but she didnt see us and now he doesnt want to shop there anymore!! why are we still bowing down to her? this is a free country and we should be able to go where we want! i feel like he is afraid of her or something? hes a grown man for crying out loud or at least i want to think he is!! who care what she says or where she goes? the earth is a huge place and im not going to hide!!! how do we share the same town? but ill tell you what-im sure as hell not sharing my man!!! i dont trust him 100% and i cant say that i ever will..but there is trust there..i just cant let go of what she said...

Jan 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

thanks for everyones comments-alot of her allegations are he said she said so what can i do? im glad i got that off my chest finally but it still bothers me..we saw her at the grocery store today but she didnt see us and now he doesnt want to shop there anymore!! why are we still bowing down to her? this is a free country and we should be able to go where we want! i feel like he is afraid of her or something? hes a grown man for crying out loud or at least i want to think he is!! who care what she says or where she goes? the earth is a huge place and im not going to hide!!! how do we share the same town? but ill tell you what-im sure as hell not sharing my man!!! i dont trust him 100% and i cant say that i ever will..but there is trust there..i just cant let go of what she said...

Jan 24, 2011
by: Anonymous

well now Why do We need to go on Maury Flip I just need my HUSBAND to talk to me,thats all and when he does talk to me he lies thats all

Jan 23, 2011
cheating husband

I would not trust him If I were ypou but it sounds like we have tyhe same issuesDONT TRUST HIM TRUST YOUR GUT

Jan 23, 2011
by: Anonymous

Sounds like you and him need to go on the Maury show and let him get a lie dectator test to get rid of your insecurties.

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