My life as a truck drivers wife

by Marisha Chinn
(Enterprise, AL, USA)

My husband and I with our silly boys.

My husband and I with our silly boys.

Life as a truck drivers wife is tough! My husband and I have been together for 9yrs and we have 2 boys, ages 7 and almost 2. In August of last year we talked about him getting his CDL.

Well, in September he got them. He was gone for 2wks to school. That was the longest 2wks of my life! His first time out, he was gone for almost 3mths and I swore I was gonna die! I had very long days and very sleepless nights. I stayed on his schedule no matter what is was and took care of our boys. I talked to him as much as possible to ease my mind and make sure he was safe. Our oldest son did not like the fact that his daddy would not be home every night and his attitude/behavior sure showed it.

The beginning was very hard! There were times when I wanted to give up but I just prayed about it. He's been driving over a year now and I've finally gotten use to it. It's still tough at times with the kids and stress of basically being a single parent but I push through it. I know he is doing what has to be done to support or family.

A couple months ago he started team driving with is uncle and I don't worry so much about him now. I know his uncle will look out for him. I do miss him terribly everyday he's gone but my days go by easier because I always get a good morning call or text.

It's not easy being a truckers wife but if you love them with all your heart, you'll be in it for the long haul.

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Apr 06, 2017
This helped me so much! NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband and I have been married for 5 yrs. our grandson who is 1 and my husbands daughter live at home with me. My husband just got done with his 2 weeks training and he is leaving to meet his team driver to pick up their 1st load tonight then taking it to California. We have spent so much time together on a day to day basis that I have no idea how I'm going to make it without him here. I actually just ate lunch by myself in a restaurant for the 1st time in my 38 yr old life today and it was weird and sad and lonely. I'm having huge trust issues because of all the stories you hear but I'm really trying. He's very supportive and I know he's doing this for us. If everything works out, I will be leaving in about 3-4 months to go with him over the road. I cannot wait until that time comes!!! The in between is what's killing me and it's only been 2 weeks. I'm gonna hang in there but God it's hard. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story. It really helped me:) Good luck and God bless you!

Nov 07, 2016
Could a smart phone app help?
by: JT

Marisha, thank you for sharing. That stint of double duty being up during his shifts & managing the boys must have been exhausting & tough. Good job working through it. In reflection, are there things a smartphone app could've done to help?

We're looking to build some tech to improve the lives of drivers and their families in these exact situations. Your thoughts would be helpful. We're on Twitter at @TruckDriverPowr so please direct message us.

Wish you continued luck!

Oct 27, 2016
Thanks for sharing
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing Chyna. I think your experience will help other wives have comfort in knowing that many couples make it work out in the end.

I do want to make sure that yous guys have plotted out a map for how you intend or desire things to go with the trucking career though.

Have a plan. How long will he drive, will he go O/O. Will you save a certain amount then get out. Will you use the funding to get into something else in a certain number of years, etc.

OR is he going to drive as a career. Its just something I like to make sure the couples have thought about.

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