My Life as A Trucker Wife
My husband spends a lot time a way from home.
we brought up 3 kids have 6 grandchildren.
I use to go with him over the road. Now I am at home more and he is gone more.
This company does not allow riders. The last 2 jobs had no rider policy. With this job he is home weekends. Friday night and all day Saturday and Saturday night leaves out anytime Sunday. After all the bickering and frighting for the past 3 years. Its took its toll.
Fighting over to much time apart and taking each other for granted.. I love my husband very much. I want him to keep his job. He is happy and loves being a truck driver. I am proud of him. I just want some more time with when I need him too. He will be off a week in August for my surgery. But its not the same. But it's all that can be done.
I tell him we need time as a couple for us we need to reconnect. But the Bills have to be paid. He thinks I am putting him and the job down. Saying sometimes I feel like the job is more important US. Is more important than me and you.
I know we have a place to live and food and clothes. And a nice car. But above all that, we need each other. I just can't get through. I don't want anyone else just him. He says I should be happy and enjoy what we have and the time we have. We don't talk about this.
He switched jobs, so we can have more time. I just wanted more togetherness and to reconnect. this is it it a nut shell. According to him I talk to much And should be happy with the time we have. And what we have. I do not work. I had some medical issues. this last one will be taken care of in August. The other 2 will be controlled with Medication.
I am happy He has stood beside me. You have a wonderful husband that cares for you and loves you. Your so lucky. I hear this from everyone we know. We need to appreciate each other more. And be more affectionate with each other.
This is the hardest to communicate. We've been married over 25 years.