My life as a truckers wife.

by Tessia Bream
(Bandera Texas USA)

I grew up with my dad as a truck driver. I seen my mom go threw the long weeks and months of him being gone.

I never knew I would marry a trucker. Yes it is hard. The time you spend alone is rough. The weeks and months my husband is on the road is rough. But in the end we have trust. He is my everything. I cope with him being gone by working myself. I became a bus driver for a local school district. And I found that helps with the lonelines.

I am able to be off when he takes home time. Or I take off during the summer to ride on the truck with him. We have no children. We talk on the phone when he is driving and I am not working. And we talk before one or the other goes to bed.

Yes being a truckers wife isn't for the fate of heart. You have to be strong to make it work. If you really love him, trust him, and stand behind him no matter what. Then you will make it.

I took what I seen when I was kid and brought to my marriage. I saw how faithful my mom was with my dad. And told myself you can do this.
I am proud to call my a truckers wife.

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Mar 30, 2016
Model couple
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing Tessia. Sounds like you 2 will be together for a long time. A model couple.

It makes all of the difference in the world when to people get together who are right for each other.

Same ideas about the future with each other and both considerate of the other one's feelings and mindful about the need for nurturing the relationship.

Ladies, if you are about to get in a relationship with a guy who isn't right for you, stop it.

Guys if you are about to get in a relationship with a woman who is not right for you, stop it.

That's a bad way to start. Better off single than to settle for low quality.

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