My life as Matts wife

by Deborah Kirkland
(Beulah, Colorado, USA)

us on our wedding day

us on our wedding day

What is it like?-I knew before I started dating Matt that he was a trucker. At first it was hard but the nightly phone calls, daily texts, and date nights when he is home make it easier.

How do you cope with your husband being away from home?
Well raising kids keeps me pretty busy. But to distress I do crafts, I paint, and bake, I do a lot of baking and cooking. Pretty much anything to keep me busy.

Where you turn for support when times get tough?
I turn to my husband if I'm having a bad day, I just call him and talk to him about my problems. Really none of my friends understand what I'm going through, so i have discovered a lot of truckers wife support sites and they help.

How do you keep a positive attitude during the challenges you face as the wife of a trucker?
I try not to dwell on the bad things or get overly disappointed when he says he'll be home one day but ends up not home until another due to truck problems, broker problems, and snow. I remind myself everyday how much he loves me and our kids. and I try not to think Negatively no matter what.

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Aug 07, 2010
a truckers wife
by: Anonymous

I really liked what you had to say, so many ppl here seemed to have been screwed over by the man in their life. It is nice to hear something positive besides my own life! My man is my best friend too, I find this job very challenging for all of us, but we are still close. I don't think I ever appreciated it when I saw him everyday from a regular job, now that he is not here everyday my heart aches to see him.

Thanks for your words, they are much needed to some of us who still appreciate the man in our lives.

Feb 20, 2010
Jennifer S
by: Deb

So very nice to have you here with us. Your right, Positive attitude is the key. Its rough sometimes, and other times feels impossible!

I am glad you stopped by, it is so very nice to see the positive attitudes in other wives.

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