My name is Xaivier I live in Birmingham Alabama

by Xaivier Brown
(Birmingham Alabama )

My story is quite simple , I currently work for a moms and pops located out of Selma California and don’t get me wrong their decent individuals but as you might no it’s a situation when I’m trying to go home to be with my family.

I recently got married in July and haven’t had time to celebrate or vacation or even spend enough time with my Wife.

I also recently got custody over my grandson that also need me there.

I’m looking for a truck job where I’m at home more and more closer so that I’m able to get to them if something was to occur.

If I could find a owner op to partner with, that will let me drive part time for them I would really appreciate this.

I want to still be able to live comfortably but at the same time don’t miss to many special moments with my family.

So if there’s anyone that’s willing to help my situation please leave me a message. I also would like the time to continue my education to soon be a Diesel tech.

My email is Thanks for your time. X

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