My Opinion of Allstate Truck Driving, Seymour, Ct.

by David Terrashauch

I highly suggest you don't go to this school. They were really nice until I signed the contract. They also went up around $1,000 more than they originally quoted me. They put on a great act and lied through their teeth.

They lied about their trucks. They said 10 speed split shift and then I got on a 7 speed that was falling apart and didn't have a tachometer gauge. They could care less about the student and will show you little respect. There are better schools in Ct. for CDL than Allstate.

I suggest you do some research. It'll save you a lot of trouble. Lucky they didn't get me for much before I found a better and cheaper school.

Allstate = unprofessional scumbags.

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Oct 10, 2015
by: Anonymous

That sucks, but it is a fact that if you live a dishonest life, you will pay dearly for it in the end.

I don't know how people can taken someone else's money and be O.K with that.

Sad, sad state of affairs.

It takes a while in this industry to really get where you want to be. Snap decisions are never a plus. Do your research ahead of time. You might have to make a demanding trucking company wait a little , but just remember, at this point in time we are nearly 200,000 drivers short across the U.S.

When us baby-boomers retire, that number will double.

Many large trucking companies are trying to take advantage of this situation by buying out truckdriving schools.

Buyer beware.....

Oct 10, 2015
went there
by: Anonymous

I went there for my cdl I finished a head of time and the didn't want to refund my balance so I told the give me a forklift certificate or I would report them but that school suck

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