My question involves communication between truck drivers and passenger car drivers.

As a passenger car driver, say we're all stuck in traffic. A trucker has his turn signal on to move over in front of me. Do I just flash my high beams to say I'm leaving room, or is there another preferred way to convey this? Thanks.

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Oct 22, 2011
by: gonzotrucker

i see a 4 wheeler flying up on me flashing his brights, and to us that means come on out. But to that particular 4 wheeler he is telling me he is there. Dont flash unless you want me to come out.

Oct 21, 2011
We appreciate it!
by: NickV

If its at night with your lights on a simple on and off will let a driver know you are willing to give up the lane for his space. If its day with no lights on the same gesture will let the driver know the same.

We check our mirrors a lot more than most will think in fact every 5 seconds is the rule of thumb. We always appreciate the courtesy of the public and thank you for the post. Even a hand wave always makes a truckers day to make him/her feel like its all worth it.

Thanks for the post and anymore questions would be great. Take it easy out there and always remember If its there, a truck brought it.

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