My truck engine failed and the warranty denied the claim on a lease purchase, what do I do?

by S

I own 2007 Volvo 780. I am owner operator under contract. My truck engine needs to be replaced. The shop did the investigation and discovered a Oil Filter ( Baldwin Filters) failed due to manufacture problems and that caused the entire engine to fail.

The warranty denied the claim and the filter company only offered 30%. My truck is a lease and the cost to replace the engine is 33 K. The money that I don't have.

Any advice I am currently lost?

Thank You

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Jan 24, 2012
by: S

Thanks for the comments. The physical filter was sent to Baldwin with all paperwork and pictures from the shop. They said that they performed their own investigation and also sent filter to independent company for investigation.

They came back saying that filter had to much "stuff " in it. After talking to them they can't explain what stuff. Basically no body is taking responsibility for this. I would hire a lawyer but I live in Colorado and they are located in Nebraska.

Don't know what to do

Jan 24, 2012
Sue Baldwin ,if necessary
by: Anonymous

Numbers don't lie!! Owner operator buys his tractor&trailer cash 60k drives for one year , after expenses He nets 60k , 100% return on investment.. Good return? Not so fast!! A driver comes in ...invest $0 zero dollars one year ...saves 30k .... Return on investment was... Are you ready? 3 000 000% ..yeah 3 million percent!! Do the math!!

I hate to say that , I ve been in your position , 88% of the lease deals go bad , Thin Margins, High Risk, an economical disaster to happen, these companies take advantage of people like you , who see those ads on the paper of " be your boss " , " Own your Business " , naive hard working people fall for that , the masterminds and financial planners run the numbers like a pro,

They know when you sit down to sign those lease papers that you are entering a casino, because the numbers don't make sense, but they Hype the whole situation, I am really sorry hear that, Good luck to you.

Jan 24, 2012
check this out
by: Failed oil filter

Here is their warranty in case you don't have yours. If the mechanics say that the filter is what caused it, maybe you need to remind them of their warranty

baldwin filter warranty

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