My Trucker Husband's double Life
I have been married to my husband for over 5 years all of which he has been driving regional and 3 yrs. OTR. It has been hell.
He has had two affairs that I know about and multiple other "incidents" Calls, Texts,so called friend, all over the US, strip clubs and God only knows what else.
He says all he's doing is working, nothing I wouldn't approve of. But I am constantly catching him in lies. He will lie untill he cant lie no more. He got some little fat ugly 18 yr old truck stop waitress pregnant ,while I was pregnant, and wouldn't fess up to it til I got got the CC bill for the abortion.
He swore on our children's lives that he never slept with her. He is a disgusting piece of crap who doesn't deserve me or his kids. He says he loves us more than anything in the world, we complete him, everything he does is for us blah blha blha... But he gets in that truck and forgets all about us.