My Wonderful, Crazy Life as a truckers soulmate

by Martha O'Brien
(Paris, Tx)

Truth be told....most truckers are just awesome. I have the best one though!! Four years ago my life was changed, & for the better. I had met & been talking to a wonderful guy. A couple of months later we decided to meet up. I was in shock that I was in love the moment he walked in.

I had a 15 year old daughter then, & she had been done wrong by her sperm donor, & she just knew right away that she wanted him to be her daddy. It really does take a special kind of woman, & very strong woman to truly love & understand a truck driver.

I was one that felt like, well maybe he really doesn't want to be with me...why am I in love with a man that's always gone??? I cried, I screamed but I could not walk away from him & our life...I was working when we met, & about a year after we moved in together, I was headed out on the truck with him. Now I wouldn't trade him for a million dollars. He has had to turn around & be strong for me as well.

I've been through chemo twice, was diagnosed with Lupus erythematosus last year, & had a left sided stroke last month. He has been awesome through it all. Most relationships are give & take 50/50 but sometimes you might think that he's taking more & giving less...

BUT if you really love & trust him...then you will realize that he doesn't want to be gone that long, but he's making money for the family!! Speaking of trust, it is a DEFINITE must!!!

If you can't trust him, then he's probably not your soul thing though that I do ask of my husband is that if he ever team drives or decides to train again that he not have a woman in there either way. Because two people in such a tight space, something is bound to happen. He 100% agreed!!

Plus, when they are gone...they need to be able to trust us as well...& you have a good trucker that loves you, cares about you, & doesn't cheat, & you do him wrong then shame on you...Sometimes they need to unload about their day & so do you...what my trucker & I do is gripe to each other, but not at each four years, we have never had one fight.

It is a wild ride being a Trucker's wife, but it can be done!!!

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Nov 19, 2019
Thanks for sharing NEW
by: V Dahl

I just wanted to thank you for sharing your positive love story with your trucker .
Me and my trucker / husband have just about the same love story.
We make the most of our time together when he is home , He is amazing at keeping up with all of are kids ,
I have looked at alot of trucker wife’s websites but there is alot of negative stories out there .
Thanks for sharing that there are other couples out there that have a great marriage with an OTR truck driver

Sep 12, 2016
Crazy Life
by: Ice_Mystic

Thank you so much for your post. Your positive attitude and expressed joy in your relationship is so encouraging.

Many who post here only see the negative side of loving a trucker, it's so nice to see someone be so excited and happy about it.
Thank you again for your post.

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