Need a Career Change, is Trucking a good career change in my situation?

by Howard
(Fort Wayne, IN)

I am a lifelong computer professional who is suddenly and unexpectedly out of work. I am in my upper fifties and need to work at least ten more years to retire.

The economy in northeast Indiana is terrible, I cannot find anyone hiring for any jobs, let alone computer jobs. Even part time is not available.
I have a year of unemployment, and then I may lose my home if something doesn't come along.

I am looking to make a career change to anything with a paycheck.

At my age and good health, is trucking a good option?

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Dec 12, 2009
Making a Career Change and Considering trucking.
by: Hervy

Hello Howard making a career change is always a bit scary especially with bills and in an questionable economy.

I trucking opportunities will only pick up from here in my opinion. So I don't think trucking would be a bad choice for you if you decide you are a good candidate for the trucking lifestyle.

My bigger question though is exactly what is a computer professional. I mean that could cover so much ground.

The other questions I was wonder was if you were trying to get away from computers and an office (or enclosed) environment altogether the reason you are consider trucking as your career change.

If you are simply considering a career in trucking because you see no other job and you really don't want to be a trucker, I am thinking you have some skills that you are able to either teach other people or use to provide a service to other people.

If you are a computer professional (like I said I don't exactly know what that means) then I am pretty sure you can find a way to use your past experience and skills with computers in a way to generate income and possibly starting up your own little operation in your community.

Just a though. What do you think about that?

Dec 09, 2009
Howard is pondering.
by: Jimmy

Welcome Howard. You are not alone with so many folks out there suddenly at a crossroads. I've said this so many times, life isn't fair sometimes. Yes, you can try trucking or being a baker/plumber/lawyer/teacher anything for that matter. It will be a crapshoot no matter what you do. I absolutely feel for people that have mortgages and families and other responsibilities.

If you try trucking and like it and make decent money, then, you made a good decision. Since we don't have crystal balls, we just do research and make a decision and deal with whatever comes our way.

Anyone can enter the trucking biz at any age and be successful. You just need to pass a physical and have a good driving record. Luck to you. Jimmy

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