Need a decent company to work for.

by Paul Coy
(Woodward, Ok.)

I would appreciate any and all recomendations for a decent company to drive for. As we all know, recuiters all lie, just some don't lie as much or as bad as others.I have been looking at the web sites and all I read is negative info on companies, I am so tired of all the bad reviews. Can one of you drivers or more give me some assist on this? Dirtroad, NW Oklahoma

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Apr 12, 2009
Paul from Okla
by: Jimmy

Hey Paul, are you a newbie or an experienced driver? There are tons of bad mouthing going on. In the early '80,s I worked for a small company in Cushing,OK. Cherokee Lines, 60 trucks. 48 states. The owner was a hands on guy and ran his company well. He became an International truck dealer just so he could buy trucks from the manufacturer cheap.

All the gossip/trucker talk I heard before hiring on was not good. It didn't bother me and I was very successful working there. I quit and came back and quit and came back again. All around me were guys always quitting and badmouthing the owner and company.

Here's my point. Whatever you do in life, you need to know your place. In other words, if you are the employee, then you need to respect the employer. It is their company, they founded the company, they took the chances, and they have built it into a success. You are out of place if you think you are going to hire on and tell the bossman how to run his company.

Most of the bad reviews you see on websites are from disgruntled drivers that don't know their place. YOU need to be your own self and rise above any and all negativity. Keep an open mind and have a "can do" attitude. Don't fight the system. All trucking companies are basically the same. Quitting one for another only means there is a different name on the side of the truck.

I was following a driver blog that had hired on with Heartland Express. From orientation to current, he appears to be doing ok. But in the first 4-6 weeks, he was ready to quit because of low miles and B.S. loads. But by sticking it out, he has made it. Trucking success is measured by monthly/quarterly revenue. If you have a bad week, you'll make up for it later.

So Paul, I will recommend a couple of companies that I worked at and was treated pretty good.

E.L.Henderson Trucking, Salem,Il
FFE Transportation, Dallas, Tx
Smithway Motor Express, Ft Dodge, Ia
Dillion Transportation, Mt Juliette, Tn. Didn't work here, but was going to.

Smithway was recently bought by Western Express out of Nashville. Wherever you end up, Dude, stand tall and do it. Tell yourself you're the best damn trucker. Meet any challenge head on and don't be a wimp. No excuses. Words of wisdom from Jimmy

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