Need a third chance at trucking

by Richard marcum
(Grove oh franklin)

Do not have cdl yet but I do want to be a truck driver however is 3 DUI a strike out for life I am stunned my last DUI was 16 years ago and I blew under the legal limit and was still charged with DUI.

My attorney said there is nothing you can do ur under the influence I'm so broken over this. I'm a truck driver at heart can any body help me with advice.

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Oct 23, 2017
3 DUI's
by: Anonymous

Don't worry, you're hirable. Best chance to hit the road is to attend a private or community college cdl school. Because of the DUI's the school will want a pre-hire letter from a trucking company stating they will hire you after you graduate.

Carolina Cargo and TransAm will probably give you a pre-hire letter. Talk to someone at a cdl school and get more details.

You can also apply to trucking company schools and maybe luck out. If you're accepted, the school is free if you agree to work for the company 12 months.

Apply before any phone calls and I'll explain why.
Stevens Transport
Millis Transfer

Now, the reason to apply first before phone calls:
When you call, they will already have your application on their computer and can get right down to interviewing you.

Answer questions honestly, but don't reveal anything that isn't asked for. If the questions is something like "Have you ever in your life had a DUI?" then you'll have to fess up. The question may be "Have you had a DUI within the last 7 years?" Then the answer is "NO." Don't say "NO", but I did have one 16 years ago.

TransAm will ask if you've had a DUI within the last 2 years, so you answer "NO."
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