Need a trucking job

by Garja gurung
(Charlotte, nc)

I failed dot random but I complete a SAP. I need the company that will hire me. I'm ready to work in minimum salary it doesn't matter. I just need the trucking job

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Nov 28, 2015
not good...
by: Anonymous

....that stuff stick with you forever.

The company will be worried about liability and their insurance company will dictate EVERYTHING.

When a company asks for your MVR and License, this is for their insurance carrier, who in turn digs up all the dirt humanly possible on you and your past.

Depending on what type of drug you failed for, and whether or not you were allowed rehab (which obviously you were) ... some companies have their hands tied.

Policy is Policy, like it or not.

Trucking companies go to great lengths to ensure that you are squeaky clean. The "cleanliness" is now dictated by FMCSA and CSA.

It is really difficult for companies that don't comply right now. Most companies that are non-compliant are being flagged, and "tattled" on by other competitive companies that ARE being compliant. Its all about the duckets ($$$$$$)

If you failed on a random, and you went to rehab, your company should have only put you on leave.

If they fired you and were within their rights, you are going to have problems.

I would probably look to hire an attorney and see if there is any possibility at all of having that issue exponged.

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