Need Advice About Dealing With A Spouse Being Gone Over The Road
by krystal
(lenoir, north carolina)
Hi, my name is Krystal, n im starting out in the world of a trucker's wife, i have been in it for about 6 months now, n it doesn't seem to be getting easier.
i tried getting him (my fiancee, to work a normal job but that blew up in my face, he didn't even last 2 weeks b4 he said he was going back out on the road. i said OK i have to be supportive.
i been trying to do everything i can to stand strong, to hold on, and hang in there but i don't know if i can do it. i cant sleep anymore, which sucks because i have a sleep disorder and the lack of sleep is really starting to mess with me, and my condition.
I feel depressed none of my friends understanding what i am going through. It is hard to do the simple things having to pay all the bills, and maintain the house. To simply laugh or even smile has become a task. I am not sure if i can handle being away from him for long periods of time.
I don't understand how there are some woman that have been doing this for years on end.
Please ladies help me, give me advice, give me some strength as to how to handle the feeling of being lost, and alone!
I don't even know what else i can say, i just need advice and i just want to thank anyone that responds ahead of time ur comments and advice, for taking the time to leave me a few words!!!