need advice about life as a truckers wife

by katie
(unionville mo)

My fiance and i have been together for four almost five years. Right after high school he went and got his cdl and just last year he started OTR.

I hate it but i love it at the same time. He just recently started driving a bullrack. And for anyone who knows about cattle hauling knows its never 100% on when they will be coming home.

He recently was out for over a month and that about killed me. We just recently moved to a new town. We have a beautiful baby girl and with him gone all the time its hard on me because im basically a single mother.

I love him to the moon and back and i know he is doing this to support us and because driving a truck runs through his blood and he loves it.

I just need a little advice on what to do. Does this ever get easier?

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Feb 14, 2013
simple NEW
by: Anonymous

communication is the backbone of marriage. If you do not communicate, it becomes a barrier in your relationship. Seek counseling from someone/ or therapy...

Feb 14, 2013
i dont know NEW
by: katie

See i've tried talking to him about that. Before he even started trucking he said he would drive for two years and then find a local job. Im worried now though because he really loves being a cattle hauler and what we have discussed might just go out the window. When it comes to this job and me trying to talk to him about it he shuts me out. Before i even start trying to talk he ends it and i dont know what to do.

Feb 14, 2013
no NEW
by: Anonymous

things do not get easier as you get older period....nothing ever said life is suppose to be is what you make of it a trucker, traveling salesman, circus performer, airline pilot, military, and all the many jobs that takes us away from family, it is hard...however, it is how you handle it, is what the outcome will be...

good luck and God bless

Feb 13, 2013
how to handle the separation NEW
by: Hervy

Katie, I do hope things lighten up for you. Here is some excellent advice that another trucker's wife Ashley just posted. I think it will serve you well. communication advice

Also, I think something that all couples should have a plan for the transition from trucking. (whether it is 5 years or 30) As you stated, you have a baby girl.

Do he want to miss all of her years growing up? Do you want to be raising her by yourself? These are important questions that need to be entertained now. She will be 15 in no time.

What many people do is wait until later to talk about these things and never end up preparing to actually be able to make a change from being over the road to driving local or doing something else.

Then they resent having missed it.

Don't wait. Make a plan.

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