Need advice after getting 3 tickets

by JeDonne Hill
(Athens, Georgia, United States)

I have 3 traffic tickets in the past year, 2 are noncommercial and one is commercial.

The first one was on 03/2012 for improper lane change>

The second one was on 05/2013 for speeding (15 miles over). Both were in my personal car.

The third one was for lane usage ( driving in the left lane in INDIANA) on 04/29/2013.

My license got suspended for 60 days but having hard time getting hired. Are there any companies that will hire me or give me a chance.

Need some advise.


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Aug 14, 2013
you could have avoided these points against your license NEW
by: Anonymous

I can't stress this more. If you hold a CDL it doesn't matter what you are driving they still treat it the please any time you receive a ticket always go to court. 90% of the time those tickets are thrown out. I had a illegal lane ticket in California took it to court the judge dismissed it. You do have a right as a CDL driver to a trial by judge or jury. It is wise to set one by jury. Those trials can be set up to a year later by that time most cops don't show up. At least you could avoid the points. Don't give these cops the easy way out
Go to court driver and save your livelihood. That being said most companies will hire you if you have no more than 3 tickets in the past 3 years. Good luck.

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